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Make a Listing

Only verified members can enquire about and make listings on Landify. Click here to become verified.​


Every verified member gets one free listing, which you can make any time and can remain live for up to 12 months.


You can ask for support from a trusted advisor, or us, to help you make a listing.

The following fields will not appear in the listing

Would you like this listing to be anonymous?
Are you making this listing for yourself, or on behalf of someone?
We are making this listing for ourselves
I am doing this on behalf of someone else

The following fields will appear in the listing

What best describes you?
Why are you making a listing?
Which industries are you involved in, or interested in?
Which region are you in, or what regions are you open to partnerships in?
What's you're ideal timeframe for forming a partnership or coming to a decision?
As soon as possible
Within 1 year
Within 2-3 years
In terms of equity for a potential farming partnership:
We could dedicate...
We would like the incoming party to commit...
This level of capital:
An amount to be discussed in private

Note: We will provide a high res generic stock photo to accompany your listing, unless you contact us and supply us with another.

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